Voici la réaction de Sete Gibernau après son GP au Portugal :
"“The only mistake I made was to lead from the start. It was a very tough race and it was important to judge the marshals’ flags properly because that was the only reference I had of how much water was on the track. Wherever there was a flag I slowed down and where there wasn’t one I sped up. I didn’t go mad, I was in control of the race and I was even slower at the end of the straight than usual, but it wasn’t enough. The weekend was a lot tougher for me than people might expect, but once again we worked perfectly. I tried to get away and avoid contact with any other riders but the crash was unavoidable. In the end we’ve paid for it because the other riders saw the crash and dropped their pace by three seconds. On another day it will be somebody else but in these situations the person at the front is at a disadvantage. Now I just want to get ! home to Switzerland, continue my recuperation with my physical trainer and get a good rest before China”. "
"La seule erreur que j’ai faite est d’avoir été devant depuis le début. il était important de bien gérer le drapeau blanc, car c’était le seul moyen de juger l’état de la piste. Je n’ai pas mal piloté, je controlaiis la course. J’étais moins rapide au bout freinga eque d’habitude, mais cela n’a pas suffit. J’essayais d’éviter le contact avec les autres pilotes, mais le crash était inévitable. Cela nous a cout" cher, car cela a permis aux autres pilotes de se rendre compte du danger, et ainsi de ralentir. Dans ce type de course, le premier a le désavantage. Maintenant, jce que je veux cc’est rentrer à la maison en Suisse, et continuer à travailler ma préparation physique, afin d’être prêt pour le GP de Chine."