Voir la version complète : MotoGP 2007 : 800cc

23/06/2006, 09h57
Bon nous y sommes, les premiers protos roulent déja tous, alors que nous réservent les constructeurs comme surprise ?!

Le premier a voir jeté un pavé dans la marre : DUCATI

en effet le 02 Mai 2006 Ducati a dévoilé les premières photos et caractéristiques de la Desmosedici GP7 800cc.

voici un résumé et qques photos :


Factory test-rider Vittoriano Guareschi carries out the first shakedown test of the Ducati Desmosedici GP7, fitted with a new 800cc engine in compliance with 2007 MotoGP regulations.

Alongside the development work being carried out by Loris Capirossi and Sete Gibernau for the 2006 MotoGP championship, the Desmosedici GP7 machine that will form the basis for the Italian manufacturer's challenge for the 2007 season had its first shakedown test today at Mugello.

Ducati factory test-rider Vittoriano Guareschi, who has steadfastly carried out this role since 2002, took to the track with the new 800cc powered prototype machine, marking the start of the first track test of the Desmosedici GP7 that will continue until Thursday.

The scene for the shakedown test was Ducati's 'home' circuit of Mugello, which was the venue for the debut of the first version of the Desmosedici way back on August 1, 2002.

Filippo Preziosi
(Ducati Corse Technical Director)
"Today the new 800cc engine finally moved from the dyno to the track and we are quite satisfied with this debut. We started off by running a check on all the components of the new bike and over the next two days, if we don't encounter any particular problems, we will move on to phase two and begin the first set-up work. Today is certainly very important, but it is just the start of a long path that we know lies ahead of us. A special thanks goes out to all the guys in Ducati Corse who have worked hard over the past few months to get the bike, with which we will race in next year's championship, out onto the track today, as well as all of our suppliers and technical sponsors, above all Shell Advance, who with their technology, experience and availability are making a decisive contribution to our project."

Vittoriano Guareschi (Ducati Corse official test rider)
"I have to admit that the first lap with the GP7 was really exciting. I am used to testing new solutions on our bikes, but this was different to the others: it is a totally new machine, and so it's even more exciting than usual. It seems just like yesterday that we were testing the Desmosedici GP3 here at Mugello for the first time, but four years have gone by! Today we made another important step forward in the MotoGP project: it is as if our family has given birth to a second 'baby' and the first noises it has made are not bad at all!"



23/06/2006, 10h52
1ere photo oui, roulage oui .... (ça on le sait depuis longtemps !)
n'ayant pas de circuit privé, ducati n'a pas trop eu le choix, autant la presenter officiellement.
mais pas d'info sur les temps effectués, vitesse de pointe .... ????

23/06/2006, 11h03
1ere photo oui, roulage oui .... (ça on le sait depuis longtemps !)
n'ayant pas de circuit privé, ducati n'a pas trop eu le choix, autant la presenter officiellement.
mais pas d'info sur les temps effectués, vitesse de pointe .... ????

J'ai pas dit que ct une nouveauté je crée juste un topic pr parler des 800cc à un seul endroit.

23/06/2006, 12h35
arretez de dire que la baisse de cylindrée est voulu par Honda...comme j ai pu le lire dans d autres topics.... ce sont les pilotes en 1er qui ont demandés la baisse de cylindrée ainsi que Yamaha en 1er constructeur qui a demandé le changement de cylindré.... par contre, c est clair que ce changement fait les affaires de Honda, car au vu de leurs puissances financieres, ils ont largement les moyens de pouvoir pallier a un chagement de reglement tres rapidement tout en restant performants ( c est ce qui fait la force de Honda), alors que les autres mettront plus de temps a reagir avec performances.... les sources, voir les moto critiques avec luccio ceccinelo et francis batta je crois, celui de guy bertin aussi.... et des infos qui trainent sur le site officiel....

flo de h
23/06/2006, 13h11
Pour ma part j'ai lu (sur le forum peut etre, m'en rappelle plus...:boutons: ) que lors quand il a etait question de passage aux 4 temps, Honda avait deja demandé a l'epoque de faire rouler des 800cm3.