Voir la version complète : MotoGP 2007, fin de collaboration entre Eckl et Kawasaki....

17/11/2006, 20h45
:fou: :fou: Source "Motomag.com"

MotoGP 2007, fin de collaboration entre Eckl et Kawasaki
vendredi 17 novembre 2006

http://www.motomag.com/spip/IMG/jpg/portrait_eckl06.jpg Harald Eckl, quand tout allait encore bien entre le constructeur Kawasaki et la structure qui porte son nom en Grand Prix moto.

Le communiqué, très laconique, publié le 13 novembre par Kawasaki Heavy Industries a simplement indiqué que la firme mettait fin à l’accord qui le liait avec Harald Eckl, pour driver le team des verts en MotoGP.
C’est un rude coup pour l’Allemand qui était en charge de l’écurie Kawasaki en Grand Prix moto depuis 2002. Mais son engagement aux côtés des verts date de 1996 en WSBK et Supersport, et il ne faut pas oublier qu’il leur a apporté le titre du Mondial Supersport en 2001, avec Andrew Pitt comme pilote.
Le team sera désormais entièrement géré par l’usine elle-même, mais nul ne sait qui sera le team manager. Cela ne changera rien au statut d’OJ et de Randy de Puniet. Mais la réorganisation du team, cet hiver, risque de mettre à mal leur programme d’essais hivernaux.
La mise à l’écart d’Harald Eckl vient-elle du retard pris à mettre au point la nouvelle 800 cm3 ? Toujours est-il que Kawasaki n’a pas beaucoup apprécié le rapprochement que l’Allemand a fait avec le team Ilmor (http://www.motomag.com/spip/+MotoGP-Hector-Barbera-chez-Ilmor-01040+.html), ses derniers temps. Cause où conséquence de ce faux pas, tous les camions de la structure d’Harald Eckl ont été vendus au team Ilmor SRT.
Le team Kawasaki ECKL (http://www.kawasaki-eckl.com/)

23/11/2006, 13h16
Eckl je ne le comprend pas lorsqu'OJ a fait son podium il a garder Hofmann, il lui avait fait signé un contrat en béton sans porte de sortie... Vous me dirai Yoda en a chié pour le virer... Les juriste de chez Kawa sont trop con...

29/11/2006, 16h26
Shinichi Tamba - président de Kawasaki Japon – se félicitait de la mise en place de cette nouvelle organisation : « C'est un nouveau départ pour Kawasaki. Les premiers essais de la nouvelle Ninja ZX-RR 800cc ont été prometteurs, mais nous savons qu'il y a encore beaucoup de travail et de développement à faire si nous voulons être compétitifs dès la première course, la saison prochaine. »

« L'équipe sera pratiquement la même que l'an dernier. Ce sera d'une grande aide – et ça nous permettra de progresser beaucoup plus rapidement pour bien faire fonctionner la nouvelle infrastructure de l'équipe. Nous apprécions beaucoup l'appui total de la Dorna » soulignait-il.

« En 2006 – nous disposions de la plus performante Ninja ZX depuis le retour de Kawasaki est Grand Prix, fin 2002. La deuxième place de Shinya Nakano sur le circuit d'Assen le prouve. Mais les résultats d'ensemble n'ont pas été à la hauteur de nos espérances – dû, en partie, à un manque d'implication de notre ancien directeur d'équipe » estimait Tamba.

En 2007 – la "nouvelle" équipe Kawasaki engagera deux pilotes Français. Le jeune Randy de Puniet et le plus expérimenté Olivier Jacque.

« Nous savons que nous allons faire face à beaucoup de travail afin que tout soit prêt pour la première course de la saison. Je suis convaincu que l'engagement de la nouvelle équipe dirigeante – et la motivation de tous - mèneront à une nette amélioration des résultats pour Kawasaki » concluait Shinichi Tamba.

29/11/2006, 16h27
pas tendre pour Eckl ... visiblement des comptes se rendent !!! pas beau tout ça !!

Alex 636
29/11/2006, 17h40
J'ai lu quelque part ( p'tête sur ce forum ??!!) qu'ils ont réussi à le virer grâce à son contrat qu'il l'empêchait de communiquer avec d'autres teams ( en l'occurence Illmor)....

30/11/2006, 00h05
Encore un article sur crash.net concernant l'affaire Eckl ( & Jeckel ) .

http://www.crash.net/news_View~t~Kawasaki-announce--new-beginning---slam-Eckl-~cid~6~id~140821.htm (http://www.crash.net/news_View%7Et%7EKawasaki-announce--new-beginning---slam-Eckl-%7Ecid%7E6%7Eid%7E140821.htm)

Il confirme se qui à déja été dit plus haut.

Big Horn
30/11/2006, 17h11
404 et des poussières....marche po' le lien.Snif !

01/12/2006, 10h16
404 et des poussières....marche po' le lien.Snif !

voila l'article :

Kawasaki announce 'new beginning', slam Eckl.

[/URL] (http://www.crash.net/picture_view_single~cid~6~pid~314077.htm)[URL="http://www.crash.net/picture_view_single~cid~6~pid~320321.htm"]
Kawasaki has announced a radical restructuring of its MotoGP project for 2007 - and revealed that its split from team principal Harald Eckl was due to his 'serious involvement with a competitor's MotoGP activities'.

Eckl's European-based team has run Kawasaki's MotoGP race effort since its 2002 debut, and had led the company's factory WSBK challenge before that, but - as previously reported - Kawasaki has terminated the German's contract a year early and will now run its race team 'in house' next season, under the control of racing director Ichiro Yoda.

"The new team infrastructure is a result of the Japanese manufacturer's recent necessary split from Harald Eckl and the company KMGP, after Kawasaki was confronted with Eckl's serious involvement with a competitor's MotoGP activities, which forced Kawasaki to terminate the relationship immediately," read a Kawasaki statement.

The identity of the competitor in question wasn't revealed, but is thought to be the Ilmor SRT team. Eckl previously worked with Suter Racing Technology (SRT), when Eskil Suter's firm designed the ZX-RR's chassis, and may even have helped Mario Illien and Suter form their new team. Eckl has yet to respond to the allegations or announce his future plans.

"Last year we fielded the most competitive Ninja ZX-RR since Kawasaki returned to grand prix racing at the end of the 2002 season, as Shinya Nakano's second place at Assen proved. But, the overall results in 2006 clearly were not what we were expecting, due, in part, to a lack of dedicated attention from our former team manager," was the biting verdict of Kawasaki's president, Consumer Products & Machinery Company, Shinichi Tamba.

However, having retained many of the existing team members, Tamba is confident that the transition, which also coincides with the change from 990cc to 800cc engines, will take place as smoothly as possible.

"I'm pleased to say that the team in the pit box will remain virtually unchanged from this season. This has been a great help, and it has undoubtedly allowed us to progress much faster with building the new team infrastructure. We furthermore highly appreciate the full support from Dorna regarding our new MotoGP structure," he said.

"This is a new beginning for Kawasaki. The performance of the new 800cc Ninja ZX-RR during the initial tests has been promising, but we know there is still a lot of development work to do if we are to be competitive from the first race next season.

"So, while we know we are facing a tough job to have everything ready for the first race of the 2007 season, we are confident that the strong commitment from the new team management and the rest of the team, will lead to an improvement in results for Kawasaki during the season ahead," concluded Tamba.

With star rider Shinya Nakano moving to Honda, test rider Olivier Jacque has been promoted to ride alongside Randy de Puniet next season.

Members of the new look Kawasaki Racing Team are now busy putting together the equipment, tools and transport necessary for the 2007 MotoGP World Championship.

Big Horn
01/12/2006, 10h50
Voila Kawa face à ses responsabilités maintenant.J'espere que leur 800 sera performante.

01/12/2006, 12h40
Eckl ed il divorzio Kawasaki: “amareggiato e deluso”http://www.gpone.com/news/novembre06/immagini/p_news.gif Per la Kawasaki il GP del Qatar, il prossimo anno, è addirittura l’inizio di una nuova era. Il 2007 segnerà infatti il ritorno della casa di Akashi alle competizioni, nella MotoGP, con un suo team ufficiale. Questo è il risultato di un divorzio – che non si preannuncia indolore – fra l’industria giapponese ed Harald Heck, l’ex pilota che, attraverso la KMGP, ha gestito il rientro della verdona nel motomondiale.
La Kawasaki in un suo comunicato parla di un “divorzio necessario da Eckl, dopo essersi confrontata con il serio coinvolgimento di Eckl stesso con un team anch’esso nella MotoGP, cosa che ha costretto la casa giapponese a terminare immediatamente le rlalazioni con il manager tedesco”.
Nel 2007, dunque, la squadra sarà gestita da Ichiro Yoda, ex progettista della Yamaha.
Ciò che non è scritto chiaramente nel comunicato è il nome del fantomatico team di MotoGP con il quale Eckl sarebbe stato coinvolto: questo è chiaramente la Illmor e non c’è bisogno di Sherlock Holmes per capirlo, visto che il telaista responsabile del progetto è quell’Eskil Suter che per il team manager tedesco e per la stessa Kawasaki ha progettato il telaio sia della moto giapponese che di quella anglo-svizzera.
“Sono rimasto veramente sorpreso dal comunicato della Kawasaki – ha detto a GPOne al telefono Harald Heckl – non voglio fare alcuna dichiarazione, perché della cosa si stanno occupando gli avvocati, ma certo il tono mi ha deluso ed amareggiato. Sottintendere che non siano stati raggiunti risultati migliori per colpa di un mio coinvolgimento con la Illmor, poi, è pura fantasia, anche perché com’è noto la Kawasaki già quest’anno sia era avocata l’intero progetto. Certo, poi, io non portato alcun segreto a Mario Ilien, che di motori ha una esperienza senza dubbio maggiore di quella di noi tutti. Con Suter, invece, siamo amici. Questo è tutto”.
Harald Eckl non ha, al momento, preso alcuna decisione riguardo al suo futuro.
“Il mio obiettivo era quello di proseguire con la Kawasaki anche nel 2007, visto che con loro avevo un accordo. In ogni caso non sarò certamente con la Illmor. In realtà è tardi per prendere qualunque decisione”.

Bon en gros Eckl ne comprend pas et n'a pas dit son dernier mot et ça va se jouer entre avocat. Bon si y'en qui parle italien ... mercid e compléter !!

05/02/2007, 17h13
After several months of discussion following the sudden departure of Harald Eckl from Kawasaki's MotoGP programme back in November, the Japanese company has confirmed that it has solved its dispute with the man who had run its MotoGP entry since 2002.

Eckl had a contract until the end of 2007 but his deal was terminated early and the MotoGP programme taken ‘in house' after the company was confronted with Eckl's ‘serious involvement with a competitor's MotoGP activities', believed to be the new Illmor team.

Following apologies from Eckl for the situation that led to the termination of his deal, negotiations followed in Japan and Kawasaki and Eckl worked out a solution with both parties declaring that negotiations had been ‘constructive' and they were ‘happy that further legal escalation could be avoided'.

"I'm really happy that after years of cooperation this could now finally be brought to a good end," Eckl said. "I wish Kawasaki all the success for the future".

Eckl c'est excusez et il a trouvé un accord avec Kawa. En gros, Eckel à surement touché un bon chèque pour clore l'affaire.

05/02/2007, 17h23
c'est generalement un bon moyen de partir "d'accord" ;)