Discussion: CVC to sell Dorna.
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CVC to sell Dorna.
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Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut CVC to sell Dorna. - 23/03/2006, 08h37

CVC to sell Dorna.

The European Commission has ruled that private equity firm CVC Capital Partners can go ahead with its planned takeover of Formula One - but only if it sells MotoGP rights holders, Dorna Sports.

The Commission decided that having both Formula One and MotoGP under the same ownership would lead to TV price rises and a lack of choice for consumers.

CVC has owned Dorna - whose chief executive is Carmelo Ezpeleta (pictured) - since 1998 and seen its investment, like the MotoGP World Championship, go from strength to strength ever since.

source crash.net

Cela nous annoncerait il la séparation de la F1 et du motogp dans le meme groupe ?
Cela ne risque t'il pas de faire fuir (encore) des sponsors vers la F1 et moins vers le motogp ? (on a vu que les sponsors motogp/F1 'tournaient' soit d'un coté soit de l'autre)

bref .. a suivre ...
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