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Daijiro Kato
World Champion!!
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Messages: 13 589
Date d'inscription: September 2005
Localisation: 47°35'32.39"N 7°34'12.20"E
Par défaut Daijiro Kato - 10/11/2005, 17h24

Sur le site du team Gresini, WWW.GRESINIRACING.COM on trouve une fiche en hommage à Daijiro Kato.

Number 74
Date of birth 4/7/1976
Place of birth Saitama
Nationality Japanese
GP debut 1996, wild card in the Japanese Gp 250
First Gp victory 1997, wild card in the Japanese Gp 250
World Titles 1 (2001, world champion 250)

Daijiro Kato's records
1979 First racing experience on pocket-bikes.
1981 First race in a pocket-bike championship.
1985 Japanese Pocket-bike Champion.
1987 First racing experience on minibikes.
1988/1991 Japanese Minibike Champion
1992 Started road racing
1994 Seventh classified in the Japanese Championship, 250cc class, one victory.
1996 Second classified in the Japanese Championship, 250cc class, four victories; debut in the Japanese Gp race, Suzuka, as a wild card in the 250cc class, third classified.
1997 First classified in the Japanese Championship as an official HRC Team rider, 250cc class; winner of the Japanese Gp race, Suzuka, as a wild card in the 250cc class.
1998 Eighth classified in the Japanese Championship as an official HRC Team rider, 250cc class; winner of the Japanese Gp race, Suzuka, as a wild card in the 250cc class.
1999 Second classified in the Japanese Championship, 250cc class.
2000 Third classified in the MotoGp World Championship, 250cc class, Team Axo Honda (Fausto Gresini); winner of the "8 Hours of Suzuka".
2001 250cc World Champion, Team Telefonica Movistar (Fausto Gresini).
2002 Seventh classified in the MotoGp class, Team Fortuna Honda Gresini, and "Rookie of the Year"; winner of the "8 Hours of Suzuka".

Tableau récapitulatif de ses résultats en GP


In 1996 Daijiro Kato astonished everyone at Suzuka, when he ran his first Gp race as a wild card in the 250cc class and ended up third behind Biaggi and Numata.
Then, for two consecutive years, in 1997 and 1998, on that same racetrack, again as a wildcard, he easily won the 250cc races and consequently managed to gain Honda's interest: in year 2000, the Japanese factory offered him the registration to the FIM World Championship and a 250 NSR Honda bike. The young Japanese rider started his adventure as one of Fausto Gresini's riders in the Axo Honda Team; Kato managed to adapt himself with great ease to almost every circuit and at the end of the season he finished third in the Championship, just a few points behind World Champion Olivier Jacque and fellow countryman Shinya Nakano.

After his fantastic debut in the 250cc class, the following year, with the support of Telefonica Movistar, Kato managed to do even better: his total supremacy enabled him to win his first World Title, with the greatest number of victories and number of points ever scored in the same season in the 250cc class.

In year 2002, Daijiro Kato and his team continued to attain successes: he moved up to the new top class, the MotoGp, first riding the 500 NSR Honda, then, from the Czech Republic GP to the end of the season, riding the latest Japanese technological jewel, the RC 211V. In the end he finished in seventh position, was proudly nominated "Rookie of the Year".

On April 19th 2003, Daijiro dies due to the fatal consequences of the tragic accident occurred on April 6th during the third lap of the Suzuka GP, the first round of the 2003 MotoGP World Championship.

Pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l'anglais, => ICI <= le lien de la page Google pour traduire ( traduction trés approximative )


Dernière modification par Jaya ; 20/04/2011 à 19h59.
Réponse avec citation
World Champion!!
Avatar de FracK
Messages: 11 117
Date d'inscription: February 2004
Localisation: Paris
Par défaut 10/11/2005, 18h54

Bonne initiative...

Merci m'ssieur .
On essaiera de traduire ça quand on aura 2 minutes!

« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »

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As du pilotage
Avatar de Calimero33
Messages: 551
Date d'inscription: July 2005
Par défaut 10/11/2005, 19h45

Ouaip! Super Initiative!!!
On a collé ici tout ce qu' on trouve sur ce pilote! - - -

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World Champion!!
Avatar de Indorae
Messages: 9 827
Date d'inscription: March 2005
Localisation: Nyon (CH)
Par défaut 18/11/2005, 17h22

Kato forever !

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Plateau rapide
Avatar de Tony
Messages: 45
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Par défaut 08/01/2006, 17h11

putain de bon pilote, ca fout les boules qd on voit ttes ces photos!!!
Bon vent Daij'...

Efficace et pas chère, c\'est la Maaf que je préfère!!
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World Champion!!
Avatar de Indorae
Messages: 9 827
Date d'inscription: March 2005
Localisation: Nyon (CH)
Par défaut 08/01/2006, 17h14

Quelle course et quelle année ce terrible drame deja ??


Trop à la masse c'est marqué dans le premier post !

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Plateau rapide
Avatar de Tony
Messages: 45
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Par défaut 08/01/2006, 17h16

De mémoire gp du Japon (Suzuka) le 06/04/03.

Efficace et pas chère, c\'est la Maaf que je préfère!!
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Réponse avec citation
World Champion!!
Avatar de Indorae
Messages: 9 827
Date d'inscription: March 2005
Localisation: Nyon (CH)
Par défaut 08/01/2006, 17h17


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Code de la route
Messages: 11
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Par défaut Respect - 22/01/2006, 00h46

Bientôt 3 ans qu'ils nous a quitté, ne l'oublions pas.

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur moi, allez jeter un oeil sur mon site...
  Envoyer un message via MSN à Motard2ouf  
Réponse avec citation
World Champion!!
Avatar de webamanu
Messages: 13 589
Date d'inscription: September 2005
Localisation: 47°35'32.39"N 7°34'12.20"E
Par défaut 22/01/2006, 01h36

Ne tant fait pas, aucun passionné ne l'oublieras.

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