World Champion!!
Messages: 5 818
Date d'inscription: July 2004
Localisation: Genève
Le Team Roberts réagit à l’annonce de KTM -
22/08/2005, 09h40
Une semaine après que KTM ait annoncé sa décision de mettre un terme à sa collaboration avec le Team Roberts, la structure dirigée par Kenny Roberts a fait connaître son point de vue sur la situation.
Dénonçant une rupture de contrat, un communiqué publié par le team de Banbury indique que KTM s’était engagé à partager les besoins financiers du team pour courir en 2005 et ce au delà de la fourniture du moteur, de l’électronique, ainsi que de la prise en charge des frais liés aux pneumatiques et au pilote, contrairement à ce que soulignait le constructeur autrichien.
Un budget avait été établi et validé au mois de février par les représentants de KTM et du Team Roberts. Aucun financement supplémentaire n’aurait été réclamé par le team, qui aurait toutefois dû rappeler le constructeur à l’ordre afin de recevoir les règlements prévus.
Le Team Roberts estime avoir agi de façon honorable et en toute bonne foi pour répondre aux exigences de son engagement avec KTM, sachant que l’appui du constructeur était indispensable pour pouvoir courir en 2005.
KTM ayant rompu l’accord liant les deux parties, le team de Kenny Roberts fera de son mieux pour trouver une solution afin de continuer sa campagne 2005 et espère être présent à Brno, pour la prochaine manche du Championnat du Monde MotoGP.
Source: MotoGP.com
La Surprise 2005 du Forum:
World Champion!!
Messages: 5 818
Date d'inscription: July 2004
Localisation: Genève
22/08/2005, 09h41
Quasi la même chose mais en plus complet et en Anglais:
After KTM announced their decision to stop supplying engines to Team Roberts in MotoGP, the Banbury-based outfit gave its view on the situation:
Simultaneously with the public on August 12th, KTM informed its partner, Team Roberts, through a press release that it is going to cancel all its activities in relation to the current racing season in the MotoGP series.
KTM thereby is in breach with its initial commitment to participate through Team Roberts in the 2005 racing season. In contrast to KTM's recent press release, in which it sought to present itself merely as an engine supplier, the cooperation between KTM and Team Roberts was supposed to be a partnership on equal footage. KTM not only undertook to contribute the engines, electronics, tires and the costs for the team rider, but also committed to share the responsibility for the funding of the team's budget for the racing season 2005. This budget was arrived at and agreed upon between KTM and Team Roberts representatives in early February.
There were no additional requests for funding by Team Roberts over and above the original agreed upon amounts, only requests for on-schedule payments that were never received.
Team Roberts has acted honourably and in good faith to fulfil the obligations that were agreed with KTM. Team Roberts would not begin a project such as this without funding in place to complete the obligations to Dorna and our other sponsors for the entire season.
Both parties were perfectly aware that a participation of Team Roberts in the 2005 racing season would not have been a viable option without KTM's technical support and funding. In reliance on KTM's commitment as a strong and equal team partner, Team Roberts decided to engage in the racing season 2005.
At first, KTM effectively announced its cooperation and "the agreement reached" with Team Roberts. In fact, KTM also put considerable effort in this cooperation with Team Roberts in the current racing season. However, contrary to the other racing series, in which KTM participates, the expected success in the MotoGP series did not materialize.
Against this background and due to internal strategic business decisions and alternative allocation of resources as announced by KTM in its recent press release, KTM decided to pull out of the cooperation with Team Roberts in the middle of the current racing season and to disregard its commitments with Team Roberts.
As KTM has not only failed to deliver competitive engines in the current racing season, they have also failed to live up to their funding responsibilities and choose to breach their commitment to supply engines, electronics, tires and a rider to Team Roberts 2005 MotoGP efforts.
As we celebrate our 20th season of participation in motorcycle racings’ premier category, Team Roberts will continue to assist in the professionalism and development of our sport. We are passionate about MotoGP and although our success during the past few years has been mixed and our views not always agreed, we have tried to succeed in a way which we believe may benefit the sport in the future, and we have committed 110% to our goals.
Obviously the departure of KTM creates severe problems for us and we will address the situation with our best efforts to continue in the championship.
We would like to thank all of our fans and motorcycle industry colleagues who have expressed support to us and encourage our continued participation. We also want to thank our suppliers and colleagues, who have been extremely patient in light of our current circumstances.
See you in Brno!
Source: MotoGP.com
La Surprise 2005 du Forum:
World Champion!!
Messages: 5 818
Date d'inscription: July 2004
Localisation: Genève
22/08/2005, 09h47
Après les ruptures de contrats avec les pilotes (Arnaud Vincent...), voilà que KTM décide à rompre les contrats d'usine.
Encore une affaire qui se règlera au tribunal, ce qui devient monnaie courante ces derniers temps en GP.
J'espère que le team KR pourra toutefois rouler à Brno. Par contre il leur faut trouver un sponsor pour la saison prochaine au plus vite s'ils veulent s'éviter de tels problèmes.
La Surprise 2005 du Forum:
World Champion!!
Messages: 11 117
Date d'inscription: February 2004
Localisation: Paris
22/08/2005, 12h36
Aie aie aie.... comme tu dis... voilà un procès de longue haleine qui va s'ouvrir... !!!
Nous verrons bien ce que cela donne.
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »
World Champion!!
Messages: 108 480
Date d'inscription: February 2004
Localisation: Corrèze
22/08/2005, 13h25
Si on se réferre à ce qui c'est passé avec Barros, une rupture de contrat c'est une rupture de contrat... KTM à tord..... (fallait pas virer Arnaud)
Podium en GP
Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
22/08/2005, 13h46
humm ben pour roberts ca sera peut etre l'occasion de redevenir un team de marque, kawa, suz ... ???
Les places sont chères et recherchées !!
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