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Le bras de fer entre Yamaha et Altadis continue
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Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut Le bras de fer entre Yamaha et Altadis continue - 10/01/2006, 15h48

mardi 10 janvier 2006

Le bras de fer entre Yamaha et Altadis continue. Sitôt l’annonce du nouveau partenariat entre Camel et Yamaha connue, le cigarettier espagnol s’est fendu d’un communiqué où il réclame « un arbitrage afin de résoudre son conflit avec Yamaha ». Le groupe Altadis réclame « des compensations substantielles de la part de Yamaha suite à ce qu’elle considère comme une infraction au contrat de sponsoring qui liait les deux firmes depuis deux ans. »

Il semblerait qu’une clause de non concurrence n’ait pas été respectée par Yamaha, puisque Altadis demande « des dommages financiers (...) suite à un clause obligeant Yamaha à s’abstenir de conclure un contrat de partenariat avec un autre sponsor concurrent direct d’Altadis pour la saison 2006 ».

Pour l’instant on ne sait pas qui va trancher ce genre de conflit, puisque cela ne ressort pas du domaine strictement sportif.

Sans attendre une hypothétique décision, « Gauloises » a tout de même fait savoir qu’elle allait s’associer au championnat du monde des rallyes (WRC) en soutenant le team Kronos et ses deux pilotes : Sébastien Loeb et Xavi Pons.
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Podium en GP
Avatar de theophil
Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut 10/01/2006, 15h50

reponse de yam ....

The factory Yamaha MotoGP team has reacted angrily to former sponsorship partner Altadis' decision to pursue compensation for the early end of their contract through the courts, claiming that its claims are misguided.

Responding to the announcement of Altadis' course of action, which follows Yamaha's decision to carry Camel branding in 2006, the motorcycle manufacturer has set out to put its side of the argument, insisting that its former partner's accusations are 'wrongful' when it claims that clauses remain in force from the previous contract.

"First, Yamaha no longer has any sponsorship agreement with Altadis, as the previous sponsorship agreement was terminated in all respects for the 2006 season," a prepared statement issued by the team stated, "Second, Yamaha strongly denies that it has ever breached its previous sponsorship agreement with Altadis.

"Furthermore, in the absence of any agreement in force between Altadis and Yamaha, there exists no legal obligation preventing Yamaha from contracting with a tobacco sponsor, or any other sponsor, for the 2006 season."

After a short period of speculation, Yamaha and Camel announced that they would be pairing up for the 2006 season and beyond, with the Japan Tobacco brand's famous yellow colours replacing the deep blue of Altadis' Gauloises. Naturally, both parties claim to have attempted to resolve the matter amicably, only to have met with opposition. Both have also claimed a right to damages in what is fast becoming an ugly war of words.

"Yamaha deplores the fact that Altadis' unreasonable actions have frustrated Yamaha's good-faith efforts to resolve this matter in an amicable fashion, and has seen fit to make its unmerited allegations in a public forum," the team statement continued.

"To date, Yamaha has not been notified of any request for arbitration from Altadis. In any event, Yamaha will defend its rights vigorously, and reserves the rights to claim both pecuniary damages and declaratory relief with respect to the wrong and disparaging statements made by Altadis, and the harm wilfully caused by its frivolous conduct, for the sake of Yamaha and all of its fans and supporters worldwide who continue to support and sustain the MotoGP sport and Yamaha's MotoGP factory racing team."
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Date d'inscription: December 2005
Localisation: loir et cher
Par défaut 10/01/2006, 16h22

quelqu'un peut traduire en french?
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Avatar de larticho
Messages: 2 089
Date d'inscription: November 2005
Par défaut 10/01/2006, 18h32

En gros, les éléments de la réponse de Yamaha sont les suivants j'espère que je ne me trompe pas !) :

- Yam nie être encore en contrat avec Altadis en 2006 et avoir cassé un quelconque contrat

- il n'y a pas de clause légale de non concurrence qui empecherait Yamaha d'avoir un autre cigarettier comme sponsor

- ils disent avoir essayer de négocier un truc à l'amiable mais déplorent les réactions d'Altadis dans la presse...

- Yamaha déclare ne pas avoir réçu un quelconque recour en justice, et se dit prêt à réclamer des dédommagements auprès d'Altadis dont les allégations seraient fausses ...
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World Champion!!
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Date d'inscription: February 2004
Localisation: Paris
Par défaut 11/01/2006, 00h52

Alors... quele loi s'applique :

La loi d'ou est originaire Altadis ?
La loi d'ou est originaire Camel ?
La loi d'ou est originaire la Dorna ?
La loi d'ou est originaire Yamaha ?

Ca doit etre un beau bordel... Ces boites ont du bien s'équiper question avocats... dites vous qu'a l'heure actuelle, les plus grands juristes internationaux font des nuits blanches pour ce dossier.

« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »

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Podium en GP
Avatar de theophil
Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut 11/01/2006, 15h23

et on continue !!!!!

Tobacco giant Altadis has stepped up the war-of-words with former MotoGP partner Yamaha by rubbishing the claims made by the motorcycle manufacturer in the opening skirmish of what appears to be an ugly legal battle over a truncated sponsorship agreement.

Having announced that, regretfully, it felt it had no option but to seek legal redress for the early termination of the partnership with Yamaha, and the team's subsequent link-up with rival Japan Tobacco, Altadis claims to have been saddened by the Japanese company's reply, which itself claimed that allegations made were 'wrongful'. Such is the animosity between the two parties.

The latest salvo fired by Gauloises' parent company insists that it had been willing to seek an amicable solution to the situation, as a statement released today [Wednesday] explains.

"Contrary to the information provided by Yamaha in its 10 January press release, Altadis' decision to initiate arbitration proceedings was taken - as Yamaha well knows - after many months of negotiations during which Altadis sought ways to release Yamaha from its obligations to Altadis," the tobacco company's missive reads.

"Altadis would like MotoGP and motorsports fans worldwide to know that Altadis' commitment to motor racing and MotoGP remains as strong as ever. Altadis sincerely believes that its decision to seek redress in arbitration for what Altadis considers to be Yamaha's wrongful conduct is good for the sport, which can only benefit from rulings that require participants to honour their contractual undertakings.

"Altadis is confident that its position, which it believes advocates the survival of fair play in professional motorcycle racing, will be vindicated in arbitration. As Yamaha has been formally notified of the initiation of the proceedings, Altadis' response to Yamaha's allegations concerning the dispute will be given to the Arbitral Tribunal, who will have the final say."

Altadis has since revealed that it was switching its Gauloises backing to the Kronos WRC team which will run double world champion Sebastien Loeb in 2006.
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flo de h
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Messages: 2 244
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Localisation: Azé, fin fond de la grotte!!!
Par défaut 11/01/2006, 15h27

Punaise si on continue en amnglais va serieusement falloir que je m'y mette ...

Adieu Norick...

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World Champion!!
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Messages: 6 673
Date d'inscription: August 2005
Localisation: GB
Par défaut 11/01/2006, 15h36

mets toi s y, car le forum s internationalise....y a un membre qui est des pays bas je crois, il fait l effort d'ecrire en francais (qui est bon d ailleurs), mais, a nous aussi de faire l effort en anglais, ca ouvrera des portes aux autres européens, s il voit que sur ce forum, on parle aussi la langue de shakespeare, ils aussi, chuis en galere avec l anglais.....du coup, je reprends les cours d école de la fille de ma copine.....arf....
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Premier wheeling
Messages: 388
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Par défaut 11/01/2006, 15h38

C'est une bonne initiative, il va falloir que je m'y remette aussi moi tiens.
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World Champion!!
Avatar de chrisgaz
Messages: 6 673
Date d'inscription: August 2005
Localisation: GB
Par défaut 11/01/2006, 15h41

on devrait demander aux admins de creer une sections, ''apprentissage de l'anglais'', nan???? FFait pas poFFFible?????? aie aie pas taper frack, je sais que t as pleins de boulot!!!!!!c etait pour déconner la nouvelle section!!!!!!
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