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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
flo de h
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Localisation: Azé, fin fond de la grotte!!!
Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 21/07/2008, 22h06

Envoyé par Valentino46 Voir le message
t... le SBk c'est pas terrible enfin comparé à la manche de Laguna après...
En règle générale la "baston" du GP de Laguna c'est 2x par weekend de Sbk + 1 en SS ...

Adieu Norick...

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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
World Champion!!
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Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 21/07/2008, 22h50

bah pour avoir vu toutes les manches du SBK jusqu'a maintenant je ne trouve pas... certes y'a plus de baston mais Laguna c'était au dessu du SBK, pour l'instant...


PS:Les pneus c'est comme les string, c'est quand on voit ficelle que l'on sait que l'on va faire le trou...
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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
flo de h
Victoires en GP
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Messages: 2 244
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Localisation: Azé, fin fond de la grotte!!!
Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 22/07/2008, 07h23

Arf, les gouts et les couleurs...

Adieu Norick...

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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
Victoires en GP
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Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 22/07/2008, 10h49

Team Alstare Suzuki news
2008 Superbike World Championship
Round 9, Brno, CZ, Sunday 20th July
Circuit: 5.403 kms Crowd: 63,000 (3-day)
Conditions: Cloudy, with sun at times, 25-26C.


Brno was neither a good round, nor a bad round, for Suzuki Alstare riders Fonsi Nieto and Yukio Kagayama and Alstare Suzuki rider Max Neukirchner. Before today’s races began, there were high hopes for a couple of podiums at least, but various problems dashed the team’s hopes and they left the Czech Republic without any silverware to show for all the efforts.

Max finished the day the top Suzuki rider, with a seventh in race one and a fifth in race two. Yukio, still not at 100% because of his left hand, bagged a pair of ninth places and Fonsi ended 14th in race one (after a fall) and eighth in race two. Both today’s races, which took the all-time tally of WSBK races to 500, were won by runaway series leader Troy Bayliss (Ducati). Ducati dominated the podiums, with only Troy Corser (Yamaha), finishing second in the first race, spoiling their clean sweep.

Michel Fabrizio (Ducati) took third in that race and followed that up with runner -up spot in the second,just ahead of Max Biaggi (Ducati) in third.

Max - Race 1: 7th, Race 2: 5th
We had a a lot of problems in the first race and it wasn’t possible for me to get on the gas quickly enough in and exiting the turns. So for race two, we changed the rear spring and the the bike felt much better and more consistent. Apart from that, the bike and tyres were the same for both races and I suppose the other real problem was that the Ducatis were so strong here. They were fast and could all get on the gas as early as they wanted and were able to out accelerate all of us four cylinder riders. I love this circuit and it is like a second home track for me because a lot of my fans come here. I am happy to be the best Suzuki rider today, but I’m disappointed not to be on the podium.

Yukio - Race 1: 9th, Race 2: 9th
We made some changes to the suspension settings for race two and, although the bike felt better, the result was the same! Today I had some problems braking hard and then getting past other riders. I could catch them up, but I couldn’t get on the gas as quick as they could. I was also losing out on acceleration to them because my rear was spinning. My left hand is not up to full strength yet, so I couldn’t always be as aggressive as I wanted to be. Overall, I am a little disappointed with the results today.

Fonsi - Race 1: 14th, Race 2: 8th
This was a bad weekend and I am not happy at all. Normally, our practice, qualifying and Superpole are bad and the races are good, but today it was the other way round! In race one, the front tyre just wasn’t working and then I had a small crash when Checa closed the door on me and I ran onto the dirt, lost control of the bike and crashed. I got back on and managed to finish the race in 14th place. We used the same bike and tyres for race two but, after a few laps, I felt a vibration on the bike and then couldn’t push hard. The tyre was moving on the rim and although I could’ve pulled out of the race, I decided to keep going as best I could.

Race 1: 1 Bayliss (Aus-Ducati), 2 Corser (Aus-Yamaha), 3 Fabrizio (I-Ducati), 4 Biaggi (I-Ducati), 5 Kiyonari (J-Honda), 6 Haga (J-Yamaha), 7 Max Neukirchner (D-Alstare Suzuki), 8 Checa (E-Honda), 9 Yukio Kagayama (J-Suzuki Alstare), 10 Sofuoglu (Tur-Honda), 14 Fonsi Nieto (E-Suzuki Alstare),

Race 2: 1 Bayliss, 2 Fabrizio, 3 Biaggi, 4 Corser, 5 Max Neukirchner (D-Alstare Suzuki), 6 Kiyonari, 7 Haga, 8 Fonsi Nieto (E-Suzuki Alstare), 9 Yukio Kagayama (J-Suzuki Alstare), 10 Sofuoglu,

Points: 1 Bayliss 309, 2 Max Neukirchner (D-Alstare Suzuki) 230, 3 Corser 218, 4 Checa 215, 5 Haga 210, 6 Fonsi Nieto (E-Suzuki Alstare) 161, 7 Xaus 148, 8 Fabrizio 147, 9 Biaggi 146, 10 Kiyonari 115, 11 Yukio Kagayama (J-Suzuki Alstare) 96,


Team Alstare Suzuki rider Xavi Simeon left Brno circuit, disappointed to have finished fifth in today’s race. The bike’s set-up, which worked well for 2-3 laps in practice and qualifying, did not perform as well over the 12-lap race and Xavi was left hanging on to the leaders as best he could. Frenchman Maxime Berger (Honda) won the race, with Brendan Roberts (Ducati) second and Alessandro Polita (Ducati) third. The win by Roberts sees him take the championship lead away from Xavi, but only by one point!

Xavi - 5th
Today was difficult because the bike’s set-up was not so good for the whole race. It had worked well enough for two to three laps in practice and qualifying, but today was the first time we had to do twelve laps in a row. I found it hard to keep the same lap times after three or four laps, but tried to keep in touch with the leaders as best I could. On the penultimate lap, I nearly crashed when I lost the front end, but somehow I kept control and saved it - but I was lucky!
I know that the four riders in front of me today all tested here recently and that gave them an advantage for sure. This is the second race ina row that I have finished fifth. The other one was when I had a broken collarbone, but this time there was no such problem so I am not happy. I know that I should be on the podium and that I am second in the championship by only one point, but even that’s too much!

1 Berger (F-Honda), 2 Roberts (Aus-Ducati), 3 Polita (I-Ducati), 4 Antonelli (I-Honda), 5 Xavi Simeon (B-Alstare Suzuki), 6 Pirro (I-Yamaha),

Points: 1 Roberts 96, 2 Xavi Simeon (B-Alstare Suzuki) 95, 3 Berger 84, 4 Polita 83, 5 Pirro 73, 6 Giugliano 55,
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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
Super Modérateur / GP
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Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 22/07/2008, 20h07

Degouté pour Simeon mais il bon recupère d'une blessure on peut pas lui en demander trop, puis 5éme c'est pas mal

富沢フェアウェル ★48★

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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
World Champion!!
Avatar de Stoner27
Messages: 17 266
Date d'inscription: July 2006
Localisation: Quelque part en Belgique
Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 23/07/2008, 10h11

Ai enfin vu les courses de SBK heir soir. Carton rouge pour les commentateurs...

Pour le reste, deux belles manches avec un superbe double de Bayliss qui avait commis qqes erreurs ces derniers temps.
Un Fabrizio superbe, qui a du sentir la pression de Canepa pour eventuellememt le remplacer en 09 et s est enfin reveille.
Il aurait meme pu gagner la deuxieme manche si il n avait pas attendu si lonmgtemps pour passer la seconde.

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Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet
World Champion!!
Avatar de adrien
Messages: 2 758
Date d'inscription: February 2007
Localisation: Luberon
Par défaut Re : sbk brno 18-19-20 juillet - 05/08/2008, 02h25

à la mémoire de Craig Jones

Superbike Brno : CR et Photos

Dernière modification par adrien ; 05/08/2008 à 02h40.
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