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antony gobert accroc
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Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut antony gobert accroc - 07/02/2006, 09h48

News Report: Anthony Gobert Tells Australian Court He Is Addicted To Heroin
Feb 07, 2006

Copyright 2006, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.

According to a news report by Rebecca Senescall published in the February 1, 2006 edition of the Camden Advertiser newspaper in Camden, Australia, racer Anthony Gobert admitted in court to being a heroin addict and blamed his addiction for a string of traffic arrests that have resulted in his license being revoked until November, 2010.

Gobert has also been sentenced to 300 hours of community service and fined $600.

During Gobert's most recent court appearance, according to the report, Gobert's lawyer said Gobert demonstrated "no regard for the law" but blamed the behavior on his heroin addiction. Gobert was in court after being caught speeding and driving with a suspended license, and explained that he was seeking more heroin at the time.
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