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Re : GP de Malaysie Sepang (8/9/10 Septembre)
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Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut Re : GP de Malaysie Sepang (8/9/10 Septembre) - 11/09/2006, 16h12

bon visiblement c'est bien Nakano qui a ejecté Randy !
J'ai eu peur un instant que ce soit l'inverse !
Eckl semble garder confiance en Randy. J'espère qu'il lui laissera la saison prochaine pour se racheter. Croisons les doigts !! (quel poisse qd meme ! les français sont vraiment damnés en GP !!)

Randy de Puniet: 13th
"My start was definitely an improvement over previous races, and I got a good run through the first turn to take tenth place. But then Shinya tried to go up the inside of me on the opening lap, and we collided as he picked the bike up to avoid the riders braking in front of him. I managed to ride through the gravel, but everyone had disappeared into the distance by the time I rejoined the race. From that point on there was little else I could do but put my head down and go for it. I am happy with my performance today, and I'm confident that, without the forced trip through the gravel on the opening lap, I was on for a top ten finish this afternoon. Yes, it's disappointing, but that's racing I guess."
Shinya Nakano: DNF
"Starting from 12th on the grid I knew I would have to push hard to make up places on the first lap, before the leaders managed to pull away. I set Randy up for a pass on the inside going into turn nine, but then the riders in front of me braked earlier than I was expecting, and I had nowhere to go but to the outside. Unfortunately, that's exactly where Randy was and I collided with him and put us both in the gravel trap. I'm sorry for Randy and I'm glad he managed to stay upright and continue, but I'm also sorry for the team that I crashed out so early, because they've worked so hard all weekend. All I can do is put this behind me, and start focussing on next weekend's race in Australia."
Harald Eckl: Team Principal
"Normally Shinya would expect to start this race from the first or second row, but the cancellation of qualifying, and the fact that he was forced to start from 12th place, meant that he was under pressure to make up places right from the start today. Unfortunately, he pushed just a bit too hard on the opening lap and managed to push his teammate off the track, before crashing out of the race. Obviously it's disappointing, but these things happen in racing. Randy was quick to bounce back and rode a great race to finish 13th. Without the problem at the start I'm confident he'd have finished well inside the top ten. He's been unlucky on a number of occasions this season, but when his luck holds out I think he will surprise a few people."
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