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Bayliss dément avoir bloqué Hodgson
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Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut Bayliss dément avoir bloqué Hodgson - 04/01/2007, 14h10

Bayliss: I thought about ringing Hodgson...

Reigning double World superbike champion Troy Bayliss has responded to Neil Hodgson's claims that he blocked the Briton's return to the factory Ducati team.

After two seasons with Ducati in the AMA Superbike championship, former world champion Hodgson was expecting to partner Bayliss
for the 2007 WSBK season - but Ducati instead opted to keep the underperforming Lorenzo Lanzi for a second year.

"My career plans took an unsuspected turn when I was told by Ducati Corse that they would not be requiring my services for the 2007 World Superbike
campaign. It appears that Troy Bayliss didn't want to be put under pressure by having a competitive team-mate and Ducati have bowed to his demands," claimed Neil, in a posting on his official website earlier this month.

However 'Baylisstic', writing on his own website, used part of his New Years Eve message to dismiss the Englishman's accusations:

"We are enjoying our first Christmas in 3 years with family and friends back in Australia. It has been really nice, so nice that only 3 days ago I said to Kim I didn't want to go back to Europe," began Bayliss, who has signed to stay with Ducati in WSBK until the end of 2008 - when he is expected to retire. "Serious I thought about ringing Neil and offering my job to him for the next 2 years. That is the truth believe it or not. But there are a lot of things to consider and first of all is that I still want to win.

"I just heard today that Neil Hodgson thinks I blocked his move back to WSB on a factory Ducati. He is not the only one, Alex Barros thought I blocked him as well. I am flattered they think I have that much power but I am only one small piece in a big team. There are many people and a lot of factors that decide who goes where. I'm not here to bad mouth people so I will leave it there. FULL STOP.

"On a happier note we are about to leave for a week on the Gold Coast then back to our local area Taree which is on the mid north coast.

"Merry Christmas to all and a Happy new year in 2007!" Troy concluded.

Hodgson is still to secure a ride for the 2007 WSBK season, which starts in Qatar on February 24.

Ben moa je trouve les explications de Bayliss pas très clair .... du style de toute façon même si j'ai refusé sa venue ce n'est pas qui décide, je ne suis qu'un pion ...
Là je le trouve très limite et finalement je crois bien que c'ets lui qui a empêché la venue de hodgson et même Barros !
Réponse avec citation

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