Re : News AMA Superbike -
19/09/2009, 11h57
Ca va vraiment pas aux USA.
Après le retrait de leur team officiel l'an dernier, apres le retrait des Suz off cette saison, Honda pourrait ce retiré complètement des courses de vitesse en Amérique en ne fournissant plus aucun soutien dans aucune catégorie.
Ce n'est encore qu'une rumeur, a suivre donc.
source superbikeplanet
édit: trouver juste après, c'est officiel
Honda Racing announcement
Torrance, CA: During the 2009 AMA/DMG Road Racing series, American Honda
Motor Company, Inc. contracted team personnel, including team Honda rider
Neil Hodgson, to the Corona Extra Honda race team.
Corona Extra Honda race team participated in this series with our
award-winning 2009 CBR1000RR in the AMA Superbike class, unfortunately
participation in this series did not meet our racing goals and objectives.
Regrettably the current AMA/DMG racing environment does not align with our
company goals. Effective today 9/18/09, AHM will not be renewing contracts
with Corona Extra Racing and will be terminating the on-site Road Race
operations by 9/30/09. All assets will be put into storage for future
consideration. Team staff was informed of these changes today at 1:00PM
Dernière modification par webamanu ; 19/09/2009 à 12h01.