Vas y... essaye, on ne sait jamais...
Dis moi si c'est pas bon, j'essaierai de créer direct de chez moi
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »
C'est sticker ou Domi...
Car si c'est Domi, le fait que tu ne puisses gérer ton profil est normal, vu que tu n'étais pas enregistré...
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »