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Mail du Responsable Presse Yamaha
World Champion!!
Avatar de FracK
Messages: 11 117
Date d'inscription: February 2004
Localisation: Paris
Par défaut Mail du Responsable Presse Yamaha - 20/11/2004, 18h50

Voilà un mail transféré par mon père, du responsable presse de chez Yamaha...


Recently crowned MotoGP World Champion Valentino Rossi made a historic journey to Yamaha’s head office today in Iwata, Japan to visit the facility and the people that supported his 2004 campaign. He also received a personal ‘thank you’ from the company’s president Mr. T. Hasegawa. The flamboyant Italian arrived at Yamaha Motor Company’s Communication Plaza by helicopter and was greeted by the huge applause of management and factory staff upon his arrival.

After receiving a personal message from Mr. T. Hasegawa, Rossi then made a number of appearances throughout the Yamaha complex before participating in the official press conference. It was at that moment that Mr. T. Hasegawa presented Rossi a certificate of ownership for a YZR-M1 – the very YZR-M1 which he piloted to his sixth world title.

“Valentino Rossi is more than the world’s best motorcycle racer; he is a personality that is not limited to just the confines of the MotoGP championship,” explained Mr. T. Hasegawa. “From the moment you work with Rossi you instantly become a fan, and you are naturally driven to give more than 100 percent to support him. It is this very trait, and his ability as a rider that led to him winning the world title in his first year. Because of this skill and personality I am proud to present Valentino with the YZR-M1 as a sign of our appreciation for his efforts this year.”

A very happy Rossi said: “This is the best gift I could wish for. I must say thank you to Yamaha and Mr. Hasegawa for giving me my very own M1 to take home. I’m not sure where I will keep it, maybe next to my bed, or maybe in a safe at a bank!”

Rossi was then taken on a private tour of the Yamaha prototype factory where the components of his YZR-M1 are produced, before attending an official Yamaha championship celebration dinner in his honour in nearby Hamamatsu.

Rossi and Yamaha’s Factory Team now head to Malaysia for a test at the Sepang circuit next week, where Rossi will make his second outing aboard the 2005 prototype YZR-M1.


En gros pour ceux qui n'ont rien compri, le boss de chez Yam vient d'offrir à Rossi sa M1, du style "Tiens, voilà la carte grise...."
Du jamais vu, surtout compte tenu du fait que ce soit un rital!!!

Il va la mettre à coté de son lit ou dans un coffre

« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »

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Victoires en GP
Avatar de TONY R1
Messages: 2 288
Date d'inscription: July 2004
Localisation: montpellier
Par défaut 21/11/2004, 11h22

Suis prêt à me prostituer pour lui racheter sa M1

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Pilote expert
Avatar de chouboup46
Messages: 923
Date d'inscription: July 2004
Par défaut 21/11/2004, 12h04

Voila une chtit foto pr illustrer le texte!

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Victoires en GP
Avatar de TONY R1
Messages: 2 288
Date d'inscription: July 2004
Localisation: montpellier
Par défaut 21/11/2004, 12h24

Vais illustrer mon texte moi aussi...

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World Champion!!
Avatar de FracK
Messages: 11 117
Date d'inscription: February 2004
Localisation: Paris
Par défaut 21/11/2004, 12h39

les boulets.....

Merci Choub pour la tof

« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »

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