bon désolé, site en rade toute la journée...
Panne de serveur chez l'hebergeur...
(heureusement qu'on va changer ) hi hi hi
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »
Tiens c'est marrant que tu parles de ca... Je viens d'apprendre aujourd'hui qu'il avait dit ca...
Pfff.... C'est hallucinant quand meme...
« There are other international championships, 125, 250, Superbike, Supersports, but if you want to be THE world champion,
this is the one you have to win : 500cc MotoGP,
the fastest man, on the fastest bikes in the world ! »