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Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut recrute un journaliste - 07/02/2006, 15h23

MOTOGP News Tuesday, 7th February 2006

Want to write about MotoGP? is eager to hear from anyone with a keen interest and enthusiasm for writing and reporting on the world of two wheel motorsports.

We want to hear from journalists and radio reporters past, present and future who want to be part of one of the biggest, and certainly the most exciting, motorsport destination on the internet.

Can you write to deadlines? Are you eager to get out there and meet people? Can you talk about your passion for motorsport, and with the main players of the game? If so, we want to hear from you.

There's no set job description, we just want to hear what you can offer us. The role will start primarily working on content for and providing interviews and material for Radio. There are both full time and freelance contributor opportunities.

As is a website read all around the world, we're eager to hear from you wherever you may live. We are keen to hear from both those with experience and those wanting to make a start in this exciting industry.

Please respond including your CV, a brief description of why you're the ideal candidate for this role, an example of your written material, and your salary / contribution expectations.

Previous candidates please feel free to apply.

Send all emails to (including any attachments as required)

Edit par Frack : Titre raccourcit
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