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test a magny-cours
World Champion!!
Avatar de mickey
Messages: 5 890
Date d'inscription: October 2005
Localisation: angers
Par défaut test a magny-cours - 20/09/2006, 20h34

l équipe ten kate (supersport et sbk) et l équipe suzuki alstare étaient en essai en début de semaine sur le circuit de nevers magny-cours.voici les chronos réalisés.

supersport :

Sofuoglu (Winston Ten Kate Honda) 1’43.4
Charpentier (Winston Ten Kate Honda) 1’42.8


pneu course

Muggeridge (Winston Ten Kate Honda) 1’41.1
Toseland (Winston Ten Kate Honda) 1’40.4
Corser (Team Alstare Suzuki Corona Extra) 1’40.4

Kagayama(Team Alstare Suzuki Corona Extra) 1'40.4
Neurkirchner (Team Alstare Suzuki Corona Extra) 1’42.6

pneu qualif :

Muggeridge (Winston Ten Kate Honda) 1’40.5
Toseland (Winston Ten Kate Honda) 1’40.8
Corser (Team Alstare Suzuki Corona Extra) 1’39.7

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Re : test a magny-cours
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Avatar de eljefe
Messages: 57
Date d'inscription: July 2006
Par défaut Re : test a magny-cours - 21/09/2006, 12h13

Visiblement il a fait bien dégueu le premier et ce fut un jour de perdu pour les deux teams. Voici ce qu'on en dit du côté de chez Alstare (rien trouvé pour ten kate... en même temps leur site est tellement mal fait que c'est à vous décourager d'y chercher des infos... indigne d'un top team comme eux):

Despite losing virtually the first day due to the weather, Team Alstare Suzuki Corona Extra left Magny Cours happy with what they had achieved. Troy Corser and Yukio Kagayama tried a variety of different set-ups and continued their work on the electronics package of the bike. The two day tests were not solely private, but Troy finished the fastest of the four WSBK riders present, ahead of his team mate Yukio, James Toseland and Karl Muggeridge.

"The first day was almost a complete washout. It had rained a lot before we started and the track felt like riding on ice. The twenty-four hour race, which finished the day before, left a lot of rubber down and maybe some oil. I think I might have done a handful of laps and that was it. Luckily the weather was better on day two and the track was completely dry. We worked at finding a good set up for the bike and tried out some possible tyres. Despite day one being a dead loss, I think we achieved almost everything we wanted to do. Now I’m looking forward to the last two rounds of the championship and finishing the season on a high."

"I didn’t even get into my leathers on the first day, that’s how bad it was! In the morning there were many rain showers and Troy-san told me how slippery the track was. There was no point going out, so I stayed in the garage. The second day was OK though and we tested quite a few things. At the end, I was happy with the set up of my bike and I think I can have some good results when we race there in October."
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